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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

(1985) Mal Waldron/David Friesen - Dedication ***1/2


With: Mal Waldron (piano), David Friesen (bass)
Record date: November 18, 1985

In November 1985 Mal made his first official recording for Soul Note in the Barigozzi Studios in Milano. It was the start of a very fruitful collaboration. The label produced some 16 albums with Waldron on it as a leader, a co-leader and a sideman. This record is the last of three duet albums with the bassist David Friesen.

The opening ‘Dedication’ was written by both Waldron and Friesen together. It really starts more like a soundscape than an actual song. It’s that ambient influence again and again it works perfectly. Waldron’s minimalistic approach combining with the electrical bass effects by Friesen works almost hypnotic. Very creative stuff that later emerges in more jazzy based compositions. In ‘All God’s Chillun Got Rhythm’ Mal uses a part from his own ‘Due Torri’ composition. Or probably it was the other way around then and he lend those chords from that original. Mal shows of he’s perfectly capable to play fast too, with a few hints of Bud Powell that really made this composition famous in his collaboration with Sonny Stitt. ‘It Never Entered My Mind’ is a bit boring at times and lacks character. Rhythmics is pretty challenging original by Mal’s with lots of interaction between both Waldron and Friesen. The music is a little more free and the compositions a bit more abstract. Then with Tapestry the more ambient feeling returns. It’s very interesting hearing Mal’s style blend with this kind of music. The closing Batik is probably the best and most beautiful on the album. Friesen's touch is very warm and personal one.

Almost every single Soul Note release by Mal is widely avaible for very reasonable prices. So is this one. It’s also included in the 11cd box-set. A nice but not essential record. If I had to pick my favorite encounter between the two it was their first on Muse.

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