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Monday, April 5, 2021

(1994) Judy Niemack/Mal Waldron - Mingus, Mal & Monk ***


With: Judy Niemack (vocals), Mal Waldron (piano)
Record date: July 10, 1994

Well, let’s say Mal really had a thing for ladies that sang. For this record he accompanies the Californian singer Judy Niemack. Thankfully, just like Jeanne Lee, Judy could sing. Though probably not as creative and skilled as Lee, Judy Niemack does have a pleasant feminine voice to listen too. The title says it all: there’s some Monk, some Mingus and some Mal to be played and sang. Just like the Jeanne Lee album it’s mostly filled with ballads.

Most of the record there’s nothing really interesting going on. It’s really some jazz standards played in a very straightforward duet style. Like most of the other vocal albums, there is mostly too little space for Mal to stretch out and play a solo. And when he does, he sounds a little restrained. The version of ‘The Seagulls of Kristiansund’ is quite beautiful with Niemacks sweet voice singing the theme in a very thoughtful matter. Her vocal soloing is also nice with a well sung vibrato that floats over Mal’s chords in the background. Also some solo space here for Mal! The version of ‘Soul Eyes’ is also pretty nice and refreshing to hear in this setting. Again there’s solo space for Mal which he utilizes beautifully in a laidback style. Unfortanely there’s some scat singing here too, for example on Suddenly. I probably never get used to that.

This was released on the French ‘Free Lance’ label. It’s pretty easy to obtain and pick up a copy. Like all Free Lance releases not a lot time was spent on the design and there are no liner notes. All in all a pretty good vocal album that will please most Waldron fans. If you’re a Judy Niemack fan you should get it right away. This is also a pretty positive difference with those vocal records with Tiziana Simona or Femi Bellomo in the ’80’s. Those were terrible. This is ok.

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