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Tuesday, April 6, 2021

(1994) Mal Waldron/Danila Satragno - Magic Night in Borgio Verezzi *1/2


With: Danila Satragno (vocals), Mal Waldron (piano)
Record date: August 2, 1994

Yup, another date with a singer. This time it’s Italian singer Danila Satragno. A beautiful looking woman from Italy that was still pretty much at the start of her singing career here. And that’s very clear from the beginning. It’s a pretty big step back from the singing by Jeanne Lee and Judy Niemack. I will keep it short this time.

Though there is obviously some potential in Danila’s voice, the songs taken here are just too difficult for her to sing. And you could hear her struggle clearly on some of the selections going almost out of tune here and there. It’s painful to listen to. Mal is in fine form but does not really have the opportunity to shine on all these straight ahead compositional choices.

This mostly is a very unnecessary release. Not only was Satragno not ready yet to be recorded, there is so much echo and reverb it really isn’t nice to listen to. It’s still easy to find on the internet but I really would not recommend it. Perhaps later records by Satragno were better as here voice had more matured. But here, her lack of experience is too obvious. Must have been a nice concert though: it was recorded on a charming Italian piazza.

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